Soak Up The Supernatural

October 3, 2022

Much like a weight-training workout, we work different neuropathways in the brain which make up what we call the mind. If you just take a moment right here, to stop everything you are doing, take a seat and just watch your thoughts, you will see how hard your thoughts are trying to work to make you feel something - anything! Always at a tug of war with your inner peace, they sit around all day long driving you crazy until you pay attention to them. Put the weights down, take a seat, and enter into a whole new world of awareness.

For those of you who have good taste in slapstick comedy and have seen Dude Where's My Car, the thoughts in your mind are like that drive-thru clerk from the Chinese restaurant that goes "and then....and then.....and then...AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN!!!! "

Food for Thought: Our thoughts are like fortune cookies, most of them make absolutely no sense and are severely underwhelming.

When we first notice the sweet-turned-sour mentality within our conscious awareness, we arrive at this place I like to call ‘Witnessing World’. In Witnessing World, you are already equipped with infinite Knowledge. Here, you do not have to think about your thoughts. In Witnessing World you arrive into an effortless space of expansiveness that is non-striving, non-attaching, non-seeking, non-wanting, and non-worrying. It is simply watching. Like watching a movie on a television screen. This is why inviting a daily meditation practice is so powerful. It allows you to step outside of your thoughts and honestly laugh at how silly they can be.

Funny enough, when most people think about starting a meditation practice, they are already talking themselves out of the present moment. If you didn't think about doing meditation, you would already be in meditation. For that reason, many people, myself included, have to work at stepping into the Witnessing World repeatedly just to see what excuses the mind will try and make up to get us to avoid the practice itself.

As a watcher in the Witnessing World, you can access an awareness that takes place on a different wavelength. In this particular state, your consciousness exists on a plane with a very thin veil between you and the truth. Like standing at the top of the lighthouse, you can see beyond the dark because you recognize that you are the light, that which is illuminating the darkness. This can happen because you are slowing down, tuning into the senses, and accessing the space between the thoughts - also known as the present.

To better understand what I mean about creating space between thoughts, I have pulled a diagram from one of my favorite books, "Becoming Supernatural" by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Dispenza's expertise in healing the body with the power of the mind alone will have you out of your mind. He summarizes that when you are overly stimulated, stressed out, anxious, fearful, or overly analytical, you are operating in a Beta brainwave state. As you can see in the image below, there is little space between each wave for the thoughts to rest.

In a state of meditation, however, your brain is operating in an Alpha brainwave state where there is much less fluctuation of brain activity.

It is important to note that meditation is not about eliminating thoughts all-together, it is about slowing yourself down so that you can see them and let them go. Meditation is not much more than watching your thoughts think themselves and recognizing that you are not them and they are not you. Upon this recognition, I have noticed that the me that is trying to escape is actually just a thought pattern that my brain has familiarized itself with, attached itself to, and therefore utilized time and time again because it is the easy, effortless way. The miracle is that the more that we utilize the mindfulness muscle (strengthens intuition) rather than the mind muscle (strengthens ego), the more intuitive we become.

Have you ever had a restful day where you've slept well, eaten well, gotten everything urgent done, surrounded yourself with stimulating people, nurtured your spirit and nature, and yet you still feel absolutely depleted? Did you ever stop to notice that maybe the reason you feel so tired is because while you were ‘relaxing’, your mind was racing? When we operate at this frequency of mental discomfort, it is more difficult to notice and to feel what is right, be alright, and recognize that we are the light.

In Witnessing World, we become the absolute best personal mindfulness muscle trainer. We don't even pick up the weight. We watch the mind pick up the weight and then tell it to put it back down time and time again. The restless mind is literally the worst workout buddy because it just hangs out at the gym all day trying every single machine until it gets bored and wants to try another one. It will pick up the dumbbell, then head over to the bar press, then swing the kettle-bell, and then try and toss the heaviest medicine ball. Its ineffectiveness lies in the fact that it will do everything to make you think that you are getting stronger, but really it is avoiding getting good at the one thing that really matters — your ability to simply be.

The Witnessing World is a cool place to be. Do you know why? Because not only do you reap the benefit of more mental, physical, and emotional relaxation, but you give yourself the gift of making space for the truth to flow through you more readily and naturally. You'll start to notice that your mindfulness muscle is working when you question whether or not you should do something, go somewhere, or be with someone. It tells you that something beyond the surface is telling you to tap in and trust.


1.This requires you to be open, honest and transparent with yourself.

2. You may see that your ego is just trying to attach you to thoughts and things that don’t really exist.

3. You may experience prolonged periods of absolute bliss.

May you be safe.
May you be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you be at ease and free from suffering.

Prayer of the Day: May I be mindful of the interworkings of my mind and make them weightless. Allow me to travel to the Witnessing World where I can be at ease no matter where I am, who I am around, or what I am doing. Share with me a piece of mental peace and clarity. Allow all doubt and confusion to turn into divine guidance that illuminates the path forward into a more full expression of my true self that is certain, psychically stimulated, surrounded by spirit guides, and graciously adherent to awe-inspiring consciousness that is Absolute. Aum. Peace. Amen.


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