The Chakra System: Unblock and Unburden

October 30, 2021

Within your body are vast energy fields that live in your spine. These nerve bundles that run along the spine are called Chakras, or “wheels of light”. Understanding the Chakra system helps us recognize where we store certain emotions, experiences, and sensations in our bodies so that we can unblock them.

Here are some practices to help you elevate your energy. Let’s start from the Root. .

Root Chakra (Muladhara - Coccyx)

The Root Chakra (Muladhara) is located at the base of the spine in the coccyx area. This is where we store the energy of survival, safety, stability, and support. To build a solid foundation for expansion, we must first explore the sensations in the body. We can start by checking in with our body throughout the day, and nourishing it with healthy foods and drink.

Practice: One way to feel safe and stable in the body is to do a morning, afternoon, and evening check-in. Take just a few minutes to pause, focus on your breath, and redirect your energy into the body to see how you are feeling. Check where you feel connected to your body and supported in your emotions and mental states. Once safety is established, you will feel more secure, certain, and supported throughout the day.

Sacral Chakra (Svhadisthana - Sacral)

Once our basic survival needs are met, we can start to get a better sense of our Self. The Svhadisthana Chakra, located in the space just below the navel, is the center of the Self. It is where creativity, emotion, sexual energy, communication, and curiosity come to life. It is also the seat of passion, an emotion that can reflect pain and pleasure depending on how we digest information.

When we are overwhelmed or stressed, this center can easily be blocked as it works to digest complex emotions and energies. It is important to provide our bodies with enough rest, recovery, and mindful movement, so that we can digest our day more easily and utilize the creative energy to bring our passion to life.

Practice: Take a few moments to breathe deeply into your belly and explore the sensations. Ask yourself where you would like to become more creative. Get clear on this, bring the vision to life through all five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

Solar Plexus (Manipura - Lumbar)

Perhaps the most blocked energy center in our modern, transactional, ‘get-things-done’ world is the Manipura Chakra — the center of intellect, willpower, reason, problem-solving, and self-esteem. We’ve all had those days when we feel emotionally exhausted and drained to the point where we don’t feel like ourselves. When our creativity and connection to others suffer, so do our self-esteem and self-advocacy.

Practice: One way to empower ourselves to radiate with unshakable confidence is by incorporating a positivity mantra when we feel foggy. For example - “Through the law of pure potentiality, I can create anything, anytime, and anywhere.”

Another way to break the pattern of programming of self-doubt and fear is to do something uncomfortable with courage. This means showing up to things even when uncertain about the outcome. It is taking bold steps with certainty that everything will work out.

Heart Chakra (Anahata - Dorsal)

The Heart Chakra is the place of radical love and acceptance. This energy center is the home of wisdom, joy, love, and compassion for all things and all beings. It is the magnetizer — the middle way that brings everything into balance.

Practice: Take a few moments to connect with your heartfelt intelligence. Start by placing one hand on your chest and one hand on your belly. Begin to feel the heart beat in your hand. As you breathe a beautiful breath into the chambers of your heart, feel love in every cell of your body. Then notice the heartbeat within every muscle. Every organ. Every bone. Every pore of the skin. Now begin to experience yourself, everything, and everyone around you as pure love, beauty, and perfection. This is the magnificence of the heart chakra. Understanding this true essence of you, the you that exists without judgment, fear, anger, jealousy, comparison, or constriction is your true nature.

When you open to your heart, your entire world changes—it opens up around you. You see yourself as part of a friendly universe, one that is full of possibility, one that is generating and regenerating a positive energy.
— Baptist de Pape

Throat Chakra (Visshuda - Cervical)

Whenever we feel disempowered, fearful, or unworthy, it can be difficult to speak from a place of truth or sometimes difficult to muster up words. The Throat chakra (Visshuda) is the center of the highest communication - speaking truthfully, honestly, and authentically. The throat chakra gives us the opportunity to take our power back through sincere speech and active listening. When we listen to our intuition, speaking from the center of truth becomes easier.

Practice: A wonderful way to open up your Visshuda chakra is to practice mantras, singing, prayer, and/or chanting. It can be as simple as “Today and every day, I speak my truth.”

Third Eye (Ajna - Medulla)

The Third Eye (Ajna), located at the space just between the eyebrows, is the seat of intuition. In this place, all duality is dispelled. That which you used to see as good and bad, pleasure and pain, right and wrong, all become one. With an open Ajna Chakra, you can appreciate the contrast in life and realize that without the lows, you couldn't appreciate the highs and vice versa.

Practice: Think of a moment when you witnessed conflict between opposing forces, ideas, or beliefs. Once you recall the conversation or debate, think about what was happening beyond the words spoken between both parties. Was it likely that both were simply trying to make it a point that they wee right? Conflict usually has little to do with what was being argued, and much more about who was in the right and who was in the wrong.

We all have a choice whether or not to side with our ego or with acceptance. It is not easy, but with practice, you will see that all things deemed as opposite are just a reflection of the same thing viewed from different perspectives. One way to know that you are tapped into your intuition is to pay attention to the guiding forces that are taking place around you. For example, if you begin to see three numbers repeat after one another (ex: 333), hear from someone you’ve been thinking about, stumble upon a podcast that directly relates to what you are moving through in your life, or happen to meet someone new who fills you up with joy, you will know you are tapped into your intuition and living an elevated lifestyle by design.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara - Creation)

The Sahasrara, or Creation-center, located at the crown of the head is the gateway to the Infinite (Quantum Field) source of Creation. This is where we recognize our Divine existence beyond the body and this planet. This is where the secret power of passion is revealed. Becoming one with the vibration of all Creation, we begin to create our reality, realize our boundless potential, and step fully into a place of faith, peace, and serenity.

Practice: Taking a few moments to drop into a comfortable seat away from all distractions, tune into your breath. Once you have fully arrived into your body and into the present moment, start to visualize your version of your highest Self. What do they look, feel, sound, and move like? Bring that being to life by incorporating all sense perceptions. Really strengthen your vision as much as you can. Now imagine that this Higher Self of yours was sitting in front of you in the same position. With every breath, watch that vision start to move closer and closer toward you until you merge with it. Deepen your breath. Stay with the sensations that arise for several moments. Journal and reflect upon your experience.

Check out my Energy Centers Body Scan Worksheet HERE! Happy Elevating!

May you be safe.
May you be happy.

May you be healthy.

May you be at ease.

Prayer of the Day: Dear Divine One, when the guns of uncertainty go off, may I remember myself so that I am able to accelerate with awareness rather than remain stuck in a place of stress, fear, and overwhelm. Aum. Peace. Amen.


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