Meet Anna Grace - Yoga entrepreneur, mindfulness mentor, and creative visionary on a mission to move the world more mindfully. Uniquely blending the scientific principles of yoga, the art of mindfulness meditation, and the efficacy of self-leadership, Anna Grace empowers clients to optimize vitality, live as loving-kindness, and strengthen self-regulation techniques for lasting success.

When Anna Grace started practicing yoga eleven years ago, her initial aim was to reduce the physical stress in her body. As a varsity cross-country runner, Anna Grace was eager to get to the root cause of her recurring pain. Yoga and meditation provided space for Anna Grace to befriend her body, enhance the power of her breath, and utilize her energy as a guidance tool to overcome common mental and emotional hurdles that manifested as physical pain. The consistent practice of mindful movement has not only helped Anna Grace heal from the inside out, but it has proven to be the foundation that allows her to access a coherent intelligence that supports her clients in building strong connections to themselves sincerely and sustainably.

While on a Mindfulness Retreat in Costa Rica, Anna Grace met her spiritual guide, through whom she witnessed herself as a perfect child of God. Where she once saw obstacles, she now understood them as opportunities to embrace the peaks and the valleys with certainty that she was always exactly where she needed to be. Anna Grace has since dedicated her work to optimizing vitality through the Eight-Fold Path of Yoga. She has received her 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training through Lila Flow Yoga and 100-Hour Mindfulness Meditation Training through Dharma Moon and Tibet House. Self-study (Svadyhaha), has shown Anna Grace that when we learn to listen to the wisdom within us, we can live in greater harmony with the world around us.

Yoga has not only made the tapestry of Anna Grace’s life much more vibrant, but it has made way for a joyous path where abundance, bliss, and meaningful connection are overflowing. The teachers she has learned from along the way have emboldened Anna Grace to share the ethical principles and ancient practices of yoga and mindfulness meditation that nourish the psyche and unify the divided parts of the Self. With this knowledge, she hopes you will feel at home in your body and mind so that you can begin living a life that is Divine by your own Design.


My Message to You

My Friends,

The vitality, health, and vibrance that you crave is already available to you now. All you have to do is learn to move into it. Much like a choreographed performance, yoga is oneness with the natural ebb and flow of life — that which moves all things apart and together again in perfect time. When you are connected to your body's rhythm, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the heart, you will begin to see how to be the creator of your reality.

The mindfulness-based principles I help you infuse into your daily life are filled with wisdom and knowledge proven to super-soak the soul. As your guide, I am here to pass down ancient wisdom so that you can activate your innate ability to transcend old paradigms, live more authentically, and transform on a multi-faceted level. My heartfelt intention is to widen this boundless space of abundance where you can vibe at your highest, come fully alive, and magnetize miracles moment by moment.

Inclusivity-driven, I welcome all parts of you to this journey. I provide B.R.A.V.E. spaces that are Bold, Respectful, Authentic, Vulnerable, and Equitable. My goal is to help you feel seen in places you never thought you could see, heal where you were once hurt, and love with radical acceptance.

Although you cannot force a flower to grow, you can adequately nurture it by rooting yourself in peace, surrounding yourself with people who feel like sunlight and strengthening the mindfulness muscle that moves you beyond your perceived limitations. It is time to step out into the world as a force of loving-kindness, love like no one is watching, and spread your light because it only gets brighter while being shared.

All it takes is one ripple to make a wave. Let’s love ourselves, care for one another, have the confidence to feel good, and flow into the joy we came from, from which we live, and from which we move.

Yours in Health,

Anna Grace

  • "Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are."

    Brené Brown

  • “The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.”


  • “To be empowered, to be free, to be unlimited, to be creative, to be genius, to be divine - that is who you are.”

    Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • "The more you are willing to just let the world be something you’re aware of, the more it will let you be who you are – the awareness, the self, the Atman, the Soul."

    Michael Singer

  • "We’re not trying to be something we aren’t; rather, we’re rediscovering, reconnecting with who we are."

    Pema Chodron

  • "The more you spread loving-kindness, the deeper your well gets."

    David Nichtern

  • “Yoga is the golden key that unlocks the door to peace, tranquility, and joy.”

    B.K.S Iyengar


  • Zeal

    We are energized by the opportunity to empower

  • Sincerity

    We hold integrity in our heart and miracles in our mind

  • Discipline

    We have the will to do what is good for the greater good

  • Courage

    We show up fully and fiercly, regardless of the outcome

  • Inclusivity

    We realize our oneness with all beings and all things

  • Resilience

    We persevere through the peaks and the valleys

Your Voice Matters