Welcome to Miracles in Action (M.I.A.)

January 1, 2022

Today is not only special, but it is sacred. Today we are welcomed into an unborn world where miracles are being activated. Today is a blank page for us to author a new reality. At this moment, there is infinite space for us to call on our Miracle-Mind to patch up what has been broken, right those who have wronged us, including ourselves, and move from false perception to peace. Universally, we are being called to move out of our comfort zone so our life can be enveloped with courage.

These past few years have not been easy as we have all faced unprecedented challenges, wrestled with the shadow self, suffered the loss of loved ones, and may have felt more disconnected from ourselves than ever before. But amidst the external limitations, we have had the blessing to create space to explore our inner world and tap into our innate wisdom. Perhaps most importantly, we have been gifted the opportunity to learn forgiveness as it is imperative in moving us forward into this new world with a sincere sense of freedom. That is a miracle.


Welcome to Miracles In Action - a blog infused with Divine blessings that ignite open-hearted healing, connection to the self, and a sense of inner peace for the body, mind, and soul. Miracles In Action (M.I.A.) is intended to share stories, ideas, practices, and techniques with you that encourage a Miracle-Mindedness.

What is a Miracle-Mindedness? It is the correction of wrong-mindedness, the perception of illusion (aka the ego’s narrative). Miracle-Mindedness is the accurate perception of forgiveness that heals misperception. Beyond what you thought you knew, beyond what is familiar, beyond what you fear, and beyond the divide is the universal truth. This truth goes beyond wishing for change because wishing does not come from a place of wisdom that is already completely worthy. This truth is ever-knowing, already whole, and able to witness the world with fresh eyes. The truth is that you are a living Miracle In Action.

So, how did Miracles in Action manifest? Here’s how.


While on retreat in Costa Rica, I met my spiritual guide who led me to a miraculous revelation that I am a perfect Child of God. I have since devoted my life to healing, forgiveness, and living as a Miracle in Action.

For the past few years, I have opened my mind, heart, and soul to the ocean of spirit. Diving fully into the depths of my soul, I have begun to swell up like an ocean of bliss, consciousness, and loving-kindness.

If I could describe the unfolding of my life since that moment in Costa Rica, it would be the quote from one of my teachers, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche who said:

“The bad news is you’re falling through the air, nothing to hang on to, no parachute. The good news is, there’s no ground.”

While living in San Diego in 2020, a deep yearning arose within to become a seeker of miracles. I stumbled across a National Geographic magazine titled “The Most Powerful Woman in the World, Our Lady of the Rose - a Divine source of healing for people around the globe.” My Miracle-Mind whispered silently to me in solitude: “There is a message in here that is going to change the course of your life. You will travel to Mexico City for the annual celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe to witness Mother Mary’s Divine healing power. From there you will travel to various other supernaturally charged sights where other miracles have occurred. This will lead you to opportunities where you will teach others the power of seeing their infinite potential through yogic practices.” My ego laughed in return: “Who in the world is going to understand this?”

At first, I was too shy to say anything about this calling. Then it finally occurred to me that there was one person who would be receptive to the message — my dear friend Damien. Trusting that he would continue to be honest and transparent with me, I finally mentioned it. After a long pause, he said, to my surprise: “I sure would love to go with you.”

So, with the first city planned — Mexico City, we left the rest up to Divine guidance and booked our one-way tickets. In an instant, I felt all feelings of fear being left behind as I packed up all of my belongings with the exception of what I could fit in my backpack. I had never felt such kinetic potential. I had no idea how long we would be gone, all the places we would go, and what the final destination would be for me, but there was a deep inner knowing that the seed of purpose had been planted and that what followed would be a beautiful blossoming.

A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.
— Lao Tzu

Aligning with the energy of trust, I started to meet all the right people along the way who took all the strangeness of packing up my things in San Diego with no return date.

Three months, four countries, and countless blessings later, Miracles in Action (M.I.A.) was born. There is much to be shared, experienced, and bestowed, but for now, I will leave you with this —

You have a remarkable ability to listen to and follow the Miracle Mind, otherwise known as intuition, heartfelt intelligence, gut feeling, and auspicious alignment. If you work diligently to drop the doubts and fears that hold you back, that is when you begin to attract all things and beings that bring you back to your true self, that which is synonymous with The Divine, Cosmic Consciousness, Spirit, Universe, God, Shiva, you name it. I encourage you to continue to commune with the force of Courage as it will set the stage for a flawless future full of abundance and absolute bliss.

My dears, we have a duty to spread love, shine light and look to ourselves for guidance. It is important to remember that this duty is not passive, it is an active task and action requires movement. So move forward into this new year, new day, and new moment as a living, breathing Miracle in Action.

May you be safe.
May you be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you be at ease and free from suffering.

Prayer of the Day: Dear Divine One, may you bless us with your healing presence breath by breath, moment by moment, miracle by miracle. Give us the grace to wash away all worry, awaken to the universal truth, and witness ourselves as Miracles in Action today and every day. Aum. Peace. Amen.


The Art Of Self-Love