Truth is One, Many are the Paths

January 4, 2022

“Seas of bodies flooded the streets — shops overcrowded with chaos, and vendors packed the sidewalks. People are so busy working to keep up with the demands of life that they can’t be bothered by the moment. The same one where amidst the commotion of the city below, I heard the silent whisper — the one that said, ‘I am home.’ Step by step could see myself walking the path of Bhakti Yoga. And when I sat, feet to rest, I knew I was on a spiritual quest to find calm amidst the chaos.” - 11/4 Journal Entry, Mexico City, Mexico


When not swimming through the streets of Mexico City, I would sit for hours in Sadhana (spiritual practice). Sirens blaring beneath, horns honking up to my head, and mariachi bands blasting in the background. One of the 8.8 million other people in this city alone, I thought, “Man is just one microscopic, mini-universe.” Day after day, this external commotion slowly started to bring me unshakable peace. Not because I got used to it, but because I got closer to the Truth (differentiated oneness). I realized that although nothing out there was ever going to be entirely still, but the stillness of God’s presence within me would always be unwavering.

Truth is one, many are the paths
— Vedas

The word ‘yoga’ stems from the sanskrit root ‘yuj’ which most nearly means ‘to yoke’, or to unify. Through yoga, we return divided parts of the body, mind, and soul, to the interconnected spirit of the ever-pervading bliss consciousness that manifests as truth, peace, and bliss. You see, we are all living in one sea of spirit as individual souls. Every thought, movement, and vibration we give off has a direct impact on the collective - crazy, I know. But by learning to calm the winds of the mind and the restlessness of the body, we give ourselves the gift of connecting with universal love.

While the truth is universal, Yoga manifests itself via four different paths.

  1. Bhakti Yoga - Devotion or Love

  2. Karma Yoga - Right Action

  3. Jnana - Knowledge or Wisdom

  4. Raja Yoga - Meditation

Since graduating from Yoga Teacher Training in 2020, I have reflected deeply on which of these paths felt most true to my journey. While Karma Yoga is the path I will strive most to achieve through Seva (selfless service) and Raja is one that I have grown to find potent and powerful when practicing religiously, Bhakti resonates most with my yogic practice because it is rooted in Universal Love.

Like other Bhakti yogis, I believe love is the foundation of experiencing inner freedom. It is what gives us the eyes to appreciate a snowcapped sunrise, the ears to hear the chirp of a bird on a desolate day, the touch to feel a tender hug of a father, the scent to appreciate the smell of a crackling candle, and the taste to inhale fresh breath. Practicing the presence of yoga both on and off of my mat makes every cell of my being swell up with everlasting love - so much so that I have an innate desire to pour it out onto the world and share it with others.

I realize that it is Universal Love that has brought me to the path of yoga. It has aligned all the events of my life, even the ones that bring me to my knees, to happen in perfect synchronicity. It is because of my faith in myself and in the greater good of all beings that I allow my heart to open to the immense possibilities and abundance that is not just around me, but a part of me.


No path is like the other, but each is of equal ardor and assurance. Life is not as linear as we think. When we honor the peaks and valleys, ups and downs, the rise and fall, we can come closer to the unwavering stillness, serenity, and solace inside! It will remedy the soul.

Take a moment to reflect upon your own path and see which path resonates most with you!

May you be safe.
May you be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you be at ease and free from suffering.

Prayer of the Day: Dear Divine One, please withdraw this humble bodily picture into thyself. Aum. Peace. Amen.


How I Met Loving-Kindness


Embracing the Unknown