How I Met Loving-Kindness

January 5, 2022

The story of how I met loving-kindess is quite special.

While visiting the vintage market in Normal Heights, San Diego. I stumbled yellow brick building with a sign that said – “Tibetan Gift Shop”.

While studying the roots of Mindfulness Meditation, a secular Tibetan Buddhist practice, I channeled my inner Dorothy and said to myself “There is no place like home!”. I poked my head through the screen door to see if anyone was there. Within moments, a gentle and friendly voice motioned me to come in. Ancient relics touched every corner of the space. Golden singing bowls, fine Tibetan jewelry, and delicate tea sets rested on the mahogany tables. The aroma of ancient books engulfed my senses. Captivated by the crisp finishes of each ancient Buddha statue, I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander before arriving fully.

As soon as I said “Hello”, Jhampa ushered me to take a seat. He wore a plaid shirt, straw fedora, and the sweetest smile. Behind him hung pictures of the Dalai Lama along with one of my new favorite quotes.

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” – Dalai Lama

He offered me tea and we started asking each other about our days which then turned into our lives. After reading my astrological chart he started to show me around the shop. He swiveled his wheelchair from behind his desk and took me to the collection of beautiful Buddha statues. I was hesitant to ask, but there was something inside of me that had for months been curious about learning to chant with a mala. Too nervous to sound naive, I instead asked about the meditation bells. He swiveled around again and picked up the perfect pair. Holding them up to my ears like the little boy in the Polar Express, he rang them saying “Like this. Listen.” Ding. Ding. Ding.

He put the bells in my hand. I immediately gained a new sense of certainty. “Jhampa, would you please tell me more about chanting with mala beads? Are chants given to people or are they just something you find on your own?” He sensed the vulnerability in my voice and started over to the beads. He picked out a string of turquoise beads and asked me if I knew about the Vajrasattava Buddha. I said no. He carefully picked up a statue and said “This is your Buddha. The Buddha of Karma. Come I will show you how to chant.” Before doing so, he blessed my beads and put them on me. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

Feeling the urge to give him something in return, I asked if he had eaten lunch. “He said no, let’s go. You like Thai food?” Thai just so happens to be my favorite, I said! I walked next to him as he wheeled himself into the restaurant. “Hi Jhampa! The usual?” the waitress said. He ordered dumplings for him and his favorite, salmon curry for me. We talked and I savored every bite. The meal made the entirety of the day pure magic.

Medicine Buddha

Medicine Buddha

Jhampa, in Tibetan, means loving-kindness. And that is exactly what he embodied.

Jhampa’s compassion, care and hospitality were healing for everyone. In his honor, I would like to offer you all a healing mantra that invokes the Medicine Buddha for the elimination of all types of suffering.

Instructions: Invite the Medicine Buddha into your mind’s eye (see image above). Once you have a vision of this Blue Buddha as if it were right there in the room with you sitting in front of you in the lotus position, make your request for healing. It can be of the elimination of any (physical or psychological) pain, disease, or illness. Once you have made the request, play the video below. While you are listening to the chant, imagine the Buddha at the center of your forehead pouring a healing blue light to every cell of your being. If you feel called to chant along, please see below.

This is pronounced:

Tie-ya-tar, om beck-and-zay beck-and-zay
ma-ha beck-and-zay beck-and-zay
run-zuh sum-oon-gut-eh

May you be love, receive love, and give love greatly.

May you be safe.
May you be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you be at ease and free from suffering.

Prayer of the Day: Dear Divine One, help me to heal all afflictions of the mind and body so that I may be in this world as everlasting love. Aum. Peace. Amen.


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