Note to Self

August 19, 2024

  1. When it gives you peace. Let it.

  2. When it makes you mad. Remember, God is on your side.

  3. Pray before you have problems.

  4. There is so much out there waiting for you in the world. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

  5. Your softness is your superpower.

  6. You only get one shot at life. Live it for you.

  7. Love others hard. Love yourself harder.

  8. There is nothing you can control except your energy, how you show up, and how you choose to see a situation.

  9. Stay positive. What you give out, you get back ten-fold.

  10. Share your story. Even if it scares you.

  11. Be selfish. Then be selfless.

  12. Invest in God’s plan for you. Reap the fruits of your divine inheritance.

  13. Embrace the messiness of life. It is where you find its greatest treasures.

  14. Your dreams should always outweigh your fears.

  15. Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.

  16. Don’t change who you are, but how you show up in the world so that you better honor who you are at your core.

  17. Life is not a race. There is no finish line when you are open to infinite possibilities.

  18. Learn methods of non-violent communication. For both yourself and others.

  19. Do more of what makes you feel at home, safe, supported, and stupid happy.

  20. You can begin again at any and every moment.

  21. Little acts of kindness go a long way.

  22. Practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes your ability to be more present stronger.

  23. Let go of expectations. What is meant to be will be. You won’t have to force it.

  24. You are love itself. Live from your heart. Enjoy the journey.

May You Be Safe.

May You Be Happy.

May You Be Healthy.

May You Be at Ease.

Prayer of the Day:

Dear Divine Mother,

Take away the heavy and disheartening emotions that send me into a spiral. Send me the internal strength to calm my soul, soothe my mind, and make all tense moments in my memory melt into the ether. Turn them into magic, forgiveness, love, letting go, growth, unity, and self-worth.

Bodhi Sattva Amen.


Go With Your Gut